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Humanitarian Assistance and Food and Nutrition Security in Tigray Region
The Minister of Peace, HE Muferihat Kamil, the Executive Director of the World Food Programme, David Beasley, and the United
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“The TPLF planned and thoroughly prepared for three months to control the central government before it starts this war.” Attorney
“The TPLF planned and thoroughly prepared for three months to control the central government before it starts this war. ¹Three
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Ethiopia Receives World Travel And Tourism Council Safe Travels Stamp
Ethiopia has become the latest destination to receive the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) Safe Travels Stamp – the
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Unlike Downstream Countries, Ethiopia Believes in Resolving GERD Issues through Negotiation
Since Ethiopia, unlike the downstream countries, firmly believes in resolving the outstanding issues with regard to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance
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Chatham House holds webinar on Upcoming Ethiopian elections
Chatham House Africa Programme has held a Webinar today (February 03) under the theme, “Ethiopia’s Elections: Context, Challenges, and Prospects
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Humanitarian Aid Intensified In Various Parts, Including In Tigray: Ministry
The Government of Ethiopia and NGOs have intensified their efforts to provide humanitarian aid to people in need of help
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Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia Demeke Mekonnen addresses the 38th AU Executive council meeting
Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, H.E. Demeke Mekonnen said the Government of Ethiopia has been working to
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Ministry holds promotional campaign supporting Professor Hirut’s bid to run for AU Office
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia held on Tuesday (February 02) a Promotional campaign supporting Professor Hirut Woldemariam who
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President Sahle-Work Zewde holds talks with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
President Sahle-Work Zewde held talks with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi. The High Commissioner, who visited
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