Ethiopian students coming to the Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) for studying in one of the higher institutions are advised to contact the Embassy prior or after their arrival. The Embassy makes every effort to reach out students and provide every assistance possible if communicated in due time. Please contact us:
Opportunities in the Benelux for Ethiopian Students
Call of the Sustainable Water Fund (FDW)
Apply to the 2nd round of the Sustainable Water Fund (FDW) Grant Programme! Deadline for concept notes: 8 December 2017. The FDW is a Public-Private Partnership facility from the Netherlands MFA and the Netherlands Entreprise Agency which aims to contribute to water safety and water security in developing countries.
Nuffic Scholarship Opportunities in The Netherlands for participants from Ethiopia
The Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher education (EP-NUFFIC) offers fellowships to participate in training courses in The Netherlands. The aim is to promote capacity building within organisations in eligible countries via training and education for professionals. This is initiated and (almost) fully funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the budget for development cooperation.
Read more about this scholarship opportunity
Université Catholique de Louvain − Call for PhD scholarships
The Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) organizes a call for applications with a view to awarding PhD scholarships to citizens of developing countries. This reflects its wish not only to help strengthen the academic systems of developing countries but also to create new partnerships between UCL and research or higher education institutions in these countries.
UNESCO-IHE − Institute for Water Education
UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, as the largest international graduate water education facility in the world, serves the needs of developing countries and countries in transition by providing education and capacity development programmes. The Institute is very much involved in water research, capacity development and educating and training the next generation of water leaders.
? Education and Training Guide 2017 UNESCO-IHE
University of Antwerp − Institute for Development Policy and Management
IOB is a multidisciplinary academic institution where people of different opinions, religions and nationalities feel at home. It hasseveral decades of experience in organising international educational programmes in the eld of development policy and management. IOB is part of the University of Antwerp, and it is located on the University’s City Campus in Antwerp, Belgium.
? Development Studies Documentation
The Hague Academy of International Law
The Academy is a centre for teaching and research in public and private international law, with the aim of furthering the scientific study of the legal aspects of international relations. The United Nations General Assembly regularly expresses its appreciation “to the Hague Academy of International Law for the valuable contribution it continues to make to the Programme of Assistance, which has enabled candidates under the International Law Fellowship Programme to attend and participate in the Fellowship Programme in conjunction with courses at the Academy”. The Academy thus is not a university and doesn’t funtion in the same way. Since it doesn’t have a permanent teaching staff at its disposal, the Curatorium calls upon academics, practitioners, diplomats, and other personalities whom it considers qualified to give courses, in either English or French (with simultaneous interpretation).
University of Leuven International Programmes
Excellence in education and excellence in research go hand in hand. KU Leuven’s study programmes are research-based, which ensures that students acquire academic competences while also developing a critical and research-oriented attitude. Flexibility and state-of-the-art technology are integral to each study programme. A KU Leuven degree offers a signi cant competitive advantage and is highly valued around the world. The ECTS quality label guarantees that all credits obtained at KU Leuven are transparent and fully transferable.