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Investment in Agriculture
Ethiopia’s diversified agricultural sector
Thanks to its diversified landscape, agro-ecology, and fertile soils with vast arable land (74.3 million hectares), the Ethiopian agricultural sector
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Trade opportunities in Ethiopia
By virtue of its location, dynamism and export incentives, Ethiopia has a high potential in trade. Ethiopia is the second
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Why Ethiopia is attracting investors
Ethiopia is becoming an investment destination in the sub-region for the fast paced economic progress it has been experiencing, for
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Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan sign declaration of principles to resolve Nile dam dispute
Addis Ababa, 23 March 2015 (WIC) – Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan have signed a declaration of principles on Monday, in
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Ethiopia offers countless opportunities
Addis Ababa, 17 March 2015 (WIC) – When looking for opportunities to invest in sub-Saharan Africa, there are few better
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Amb. Berhane meets Irish State Minister
Addis Ababa, 18 March 2015 (WIC) – Foreign Affairs State Minister, Ambassador Berhane Gebrechristos met with Seán Sherlock, TD, the
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Ethiopia: Africa’s new hydropower and air hub?
Addis Ababa, 14 March 2015 (WIC) – Propelled by a 10.9% average annual growth rate since 2000, Ethiopia is attempting
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Ethiopia, a unique place to visit
Ethiopia has a proud and long history extending to the known beginnings of humankind. The fossils of our species’ earliest
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S Sudanese peace talks to resume next month
Addis Ababa, 12 March 2015 (WIC) – South Sudanese warring parties, who failed to reach agreement on power sharing ratio,
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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia among Cities of the Future with a bright potential
Addis Ababa, 8 March 2015 (WIC) - According to the annual “Wealth Report” released by global real estate consultancy Knight
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