Ethiopia’s tourism sector spreads its wings as more tour operators join the industry

ETO LogoWith the new national tourism brand: “Ethiopia: Land of Origins,” and a sector marked with vast, and untapped potential, Ethiopia’s tourism industry is set to experience a huge metamorphosis as it builds its infrastructure, brand, and product offer in the coming years through both public and private efforts.

About 104 new tour operators have joined the country’s tourism industry in the concluded Ethiopian fiscal year, which is hoped to be a significant value addition to the sector.

During the same period, Ethiopia’s tourism sector generated 3.4 billion US dollars.

Tewolde Mulugeta, a Spokesperson at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday (September 14, 2016) related that the new 104 tour operators helped the country to attract more tourists and further court foreign direct investment (FDI).
Board Chairperson of the Ethiopian Tourism Organization and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Ethiopian Airlines, Tewolde Gebremariam, on his part said the economic diplomacy made in the past has paid off, adding that this had its own significant share in the growth of the tourism sector.

He further said the number of giant foreign companies and investors who visited Ethiopia last year surpassed from the target, of which he added, about 16 investors have already acquired licenses to invest in the country.

Out of the 1,021 small and medium size foreign companies and investors that explored investment opportunities in the country, over a quarter of them have secured license to engage in various investment sectors, he added.

Source: MFA Ethiopia