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The First Ministerial Retreat for the African Union in Bahir Dar
  With the aim of brainstorming and exchanging ideas on critical issues relating to Africa’s Agenda 2063, and the state
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The 22nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union
The 22nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union opened on Thursday January 30, 2014 under the theme
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Ethiopian forces in Somalia formally join AMISOM
Jan 22, 2014,3 area which is based in and around Baidoa and Beled Weyne as well as in Gedo region
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The European Union supports IGAD mediation efforts
The Council of the European Union chaired by Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security
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PM Hailemariam attends the World Future Energy Summit
21 January 2014, The Ethiopian delegation led by Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn on Tuesday attended the World Future Energy Summit which
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Economic development: The good news from Ethiopia, and what might make it even better
  Mark Lowcock is Permanent Secretary for the Department for International Development. Speech:What economic growth means in Ethiopia and how
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Water Ministers of Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt meet in Khartoum
The Water Ministers of Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan met in Khartoum last weekend, (January 4-5) for the third time to
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Opportunity for Ethiopian SMEs to tap into the global market
  BY JACO MARITZ | 13 JANUARY 2014 AT 10:08 Ethiopia, Africa’s second most  populous country with an estimated 90m people, has
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Ethiopian Ambassador presented his credentials to the king of Belgium
  Extraordinary and plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Federal Democratic republic of Ethiopia to the Kingdom of Belgium Teshome Toga presented
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Ethiopia’s model families hailed as agents of social transformation
Ethiopia is boosting its healthcare statistics by encouraging rural households to adopt and disseminate a range of good habits  
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