Princess Anne praises Ethiopian development endeavors

Addis Ababa, 30 September 2014 (WIC) – The British Princess, Anne, has lauded the development endeavors of Ethiopia. The Princess held talks on Monday with the Ethiopian President Dr. Mulatu Teshome at his National Palace.

The President briefed Princess Anne on the policies and strategies that Ethiopia has been following which have made the country successful in all development endeavors.

He mentioned that 40 thousand trained extension workers have helped step up the health service of the country into improved and higher level.

President Mulatu also told Princess Anne that Ethiopia is working on the development of different renewable energy projects including the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) which is expected to generate 6000MWs.

Princess Anne for her part said with fascination that Ethiopia has registered success especially on health and energy sectors.

She underscored that these efforts of development should continue and be strengthened. (ENA)