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Ethiopia, at the 2023 Brussels Holiday Fair
Ethiopia took part at the #2023BrusselsHolidayFair today, on the 2nd of February 2023. H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene and invited guests inaugurated the
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DPM and FM Demeke Mekonnen: History Will Always Remember Positive Roles of Ethiopian Diaspora
The Government of Ethiopia recognized 52 Ethiopian diaspora associations from 25 countries that actively support their homeland in times of
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The Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels holds a Webinar on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)
A webinar titled “GERD as a means of Regional Cooperation” was held on November 29, 2022. During the Webinar, members
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H.E.State Minister of Finance Semereta Sewasew Leads Ethiopian Delegation at the 115th OACPS Council launched in Brussels
The 115th Organization of the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) Council of Ministers meeting has opened in Brussels yesterday
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Ambassador Hirut Zemene Meets Various Offices in Luxembourg
H.E Hirut Zemene, accompanied by the Diplomats of the Mission, have met with officials of the Luxembourgish government on the
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Expression of Gratitude on the Conclusion of the Peace Talks
The agreement signed today in South Africa is monumental in moving Ethiopia forward on the path of the reforms we
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Ethiopian Institutions Participated in Grand Chalenges Annual Meeting in Brussels
The Ethiopian delegation led by Professor Afework Kassu and representatives from MoH, AHRI, AAU, EPHI, SPHMMC, and other institutions partook
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Ambassador Hirut Zemene welcomes the new Ambassador of the Sudan to Belgium
Today, H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene welcomed the new Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan to Belgium H.E.Abdelbagi H. Kabeir at
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Ethiopia’s Harari Regional State President Working visit in the Netherlands
The Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels has met and discussed with a delegation led by H.E. Mr Ordin Bedri, President
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