Tag: ethiopia

Ethiopia Approves 300 Megawatt Solar Project in Partnership With Two U.S. Firms

Addis Ababa — Global Trade and Development Consulting together with its Project Development Partner, Energy Ventures, both Maryland-based companies, today announced that they have been awarded the contract by the Ethiopian Ministry of Water and Energy and the Board of Directors of the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation to build, operate, and transfer three (3), one hundred (100) megawatt solar sites, in the eastern region of Ethiopia. The site selection, due diligence and Feasibility Study were completed earlier this year, receiving both technical and financial approval from both the Minister of Water and Energy and EEPCo.

Ethiopia is in the initial set of countries in President Obama’s “Power Africa” initiative. In addition to the needed power generation capacity, a key element of this 300 Megawatt Solar Project, is the economic development resulting in the creation of more than 2,000 construction jobs that would inject millions of dollars into the Ethiopian economy. Ongoing plant operations would yield several hundred new jobs as well.

According to Minister Alemayehu Tegenu, Minister of Water and Energy for the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa, “This project represents a significant advance in our Ethiopian energy initiative and is now part of our comprehensive Energy Plan. Given Ethiopia’s large hydro-electric generation capacity and now wind and geothermal power generation coming on-line, large scale solar fits nicely into our energy portfolio and will provide significant power generation capacity much faster than the other renewable technologies. We welcome this project with open arms.”

“We spent months analyzing the potential for a large-scale solar project in Ethiopia. We found that Ethiopia has some of the highest solar irradiance factors in Africa,” said Dr. Yonnas Kefle, CEO of GTDC. “As with all our projects, we intend to also maximize the amount of local content and resources in performance of this project.”

“We are excited to be the Project Developer leading this important project for the Ethiopia people. The power that this project will deliver will clearly have a dramatic effect on millions of Ethiopian people’s quality of life,” said Mr. Lynn R. Hogg, Founder and CEO of Energy Ventures.

Source: http://allafrica.com/stories/201311080925.html

Earth, wind and water: Ethiopia bids to be Africa’s powerhouse

By Oliver Joy for CNN

November 8, 2013 — Updated 1146 GMT

  • Ethiopia is launching numerous renewable energy projects
  • Ashegoda Wind Farm will be one of continent’s biggest
  • Grand Renaissance Dam could generate 6,000 MW of electricity
  • Ethiopia plans to export energy to neighboring countries

(CNN) — Ethiopia is turning to renewable energy technology as the East African country looks to become a powerhouse for its regional partners.

Last month, Ethiopia launched one of the continent’s largest wind farms in a bid to rapidly boost its generating capacity over the next three to five years.

The Ashegoda Wind Farm and the Grand Renaissance Dam, under construction on the Nile, are just two of the major projects outlined in the Ethiopian government’s five-year Growth and Transformation Plan.

Both developments will see Ethiopia’s transition into one of the regions biggest energy exporters as electric output surges from 2,000 megawatts (MW) to 10,000 MW. More than half of this is expected to come from the Renaissance Dam.

Read more: Africa’s giant infrastructure projects

And with further commitments to geothermal power and potential for oil exploration, Ethiopia’s energy resources are set to be among the most diversified in Africa.

 Ashegoda wind farm

Jerome Douat, chief executive of Vergnet, the French wind turbine company contracted to build the Ashegoda farm, told CNN that Ethiopia is an energy “reservoir” in the region.

Douat said: “The wind comes from the ocean to the Rift Valley. We have placed the turbines at 2,200 meters above sea level in one of the windiest places in Ethiopia.”

The wind farm, with a capacity of 120 MW, is located near the northern city of Mek’ele and sits next to the Great Rift Valley, which runs through the country.

Douat added: “Vergnet machines are ideal for remote areas in Ethiopia and designed for this kind of region because our turbines are easy to transport, there’s no need for a big crane and they’re easier to maintain.”

With just 23% of Ethiopia’s 90 million people having access to electricity the wind farm is expected to generate power throughout the year, except during the rainy season between June and September.

Read: Can Africa unlock its solar potential?

Vergnet built the Ashegoda site in partnership with the Ethiopian government at a cost of 210 million euros ($290 million) with loans from France’s largest bank BNP Paribas and the French Development Agency.

Will Macpherson, sub-Saharan African energy analyst at African Energy Consultancy, said Ethiopia is aiming to be the region’s major supplier, working with foreign investors to provide power to neighbouring Sudan, Djibouti and Kenya.

“People in the energy industry, particularly in renewables, say the government is good to work with,” he told CNN, “they deliver on commitments and build good relationships with investors.”

“One of its central aims is to improve access rates across the country,” he added, “but (the government) also recognizes that it’s vulnerable to seasonal variations in rainfall, so even if it really boosts its installed capacity, which it’s doing, it could still suffer from power outages.”

According to the country’s five-year plan, which runs to 2015, the government is also seeking investment in geothermal and biofuel production to offset any problems with wind.

Macpherson believes this will diversify the country’s energy supply, while adding that other African nations will soon begin to follow suit.

People in the energy industry, particularly in renewables, say the government is good to work with
Will Macpherson, African Energy Consultancy

He said: “In Kenya, a 300 MW wind power project will be commissioned near Lake Turkana in 2015, and the country is leading the way in geothermal. South Africa has also been very successful in developing renewable projects.”

Macpherson also noted that Ethiopia is keen on oil exploration in the Ogaden Basin. The field, which lies in the east of the country, is believed to contain vast oil and gas reserves, according to SouthWest energy, a national exploration company.

 Ethiopia’s big leap forward

The Ashegoda Wind Farm and the Grand Renaissance Dam mark a major leap forward for a country that spent parts of the last century ravaged by war and famine.

And while Ethiopia still faces major social problems with poverty and living standards, the country has managed to emerge as one of Africa’s fastest growing economies, recording 8.5% growth in 2012.

The mega-dam, scheduled for completion by July 2017, is likely to spur economic growth further. At a cost of $4.7 billion, the dam will create 12,000 jobs and generate 6,000 MW of energy, according to the government.

Read more: Ghana plans $10 billion tech city

Sitting on the Blue Nile river, the dam will also serve neighboring Sudan and Egypt, despite concerns from those countries that Ethiopia will have too much control over a vital water source in the region.

Last month, in a further move to boost energy supplies, the Ethiopian government signed a contract with U.S.-Icelandic development company Reykjavik Geothermal to develop one of the world’s largest geothermal power projects.

The plant is part of U.S. President Barack Obama’s $7 billion Power Africa initiative, which aims to double energy access in sub-Saharan African.

Reykjavik Geothermal will invest $4 billion into the project and will provide 1,000 MW of power to Ethiopia by 2018. When complete, it will be Ethiopia’s biggest foreign direct investment, said the firm.

At the unveiling of the geothermal project in New York last month, Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said: “My vision is that over the next 30 years, we will need to harness as much as 80,000 MW of hydro, geothermal, wind and solar power, not just for Ethiopia, but for our neighboring countries as well.”


Ethiopia achieves millennium development goal on reducing child mortality!

The 2013 progress report on Committing to Child Survival: A Promise Renewed, has shown that Ethiopia has achieved the millennium development goal to cut the mortality rate for children under the age of five, ahead of the 2015.

The country has reduced child death by more than two thirds over the past 20 years. In 1990, an estimated 204 children in every 1,000 died before the age of five. By 2012 the rate dropped to 68 (67%).
The health extension program implemented in Ethiopia is said to be an example of how critical community health workers are in providing quality care to children and mothers in remote areas.
“I believe it is the work of these amazing community health workers who have really put the country to achieve these results,” H.E. Dr. Kesetebirhan Admasu, Ethiopia’s Health Minister.


Source: http://l10k.jsi.com/Resources/Docs/NewsletterVol2No1.pdf

Ethiopia unveils telescope in first phase of space programme



Addis Ababa (AFP) – Ethiopia unveiled Friday the first phase of a space exploration programme, which includes East Africa’s largest observatory designed to promote astronomy research in the region.

“The optical astronomical telescope is mainly intended for astronomy and astrophysics observation research,” said observatory director Solomon Belay.

The observatory, which will formally be opened on Saturday, boasts two telescopes, each one metre (over three feet) wide, to see “extra planets, different types of stars, the Milky Way, and deep galaxies,” Solomon added.

The 3.4 million dollar (2.5 million euro) observatory, run by the Ethiopian Space Science Society (ESSS), is funded by Ethiopian-Saudi business tycoon Mohammed Alamoudi.

The observatory, 3,200 metres (10,500 feet) above sea level in the lush Entoto mountains on the outskirts of the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, is an ideal location because of its minimal cloud cover, moderate winds and low humidity, experts said.

When established in 2004, ESSS was labelled as the “Crazy People’s Club”, according to the group, but has gained credibility in the past decade with astronomy courses introduced at universities and winning increased political support.

The Ethiopian government is set to launch a space policy in coming years.

Solomon said the group originally faced sceptics in Ethiopia and abroad, who questioned whether space exploration was a wise use of resources in one of Africa’s poorest economies, plagued in the past by chronic famine and unrest.

But Solomon said promoting science is key to the development in Ethiopia, today one of Africa’s fastest growing economies largely based on agriculture.

“If the economy is strongly linked with science, then we can transform a poor way of agriculture into industrialisation and into modern agriculture,” he said.

The ESSS is now looking to open a second observatory 4,200 metres (13,800 feet) above sea level in the mountainous northern town of Lalibela, also the site of the largest cluster of Ethiopia’s ancient rock-hewn churches.

Photographs from the ESSS show scientists with testing equipment looking for the best site to put the next telescope on the green and remote peaks, as local villagers wrapped in traditional white blankets watch on curiously, sitting outside their thatch hut homes.

Solomon hopes to boost “astronomy tourism” among space fans interested in coming to one of the least likely countries in the world to boast a space programme, an added economic benefit.

The country will also launch its first satellite in the next three years, ESSS said, to study meteorology and boost telecommunications.

Ethiopia is not the first African nation to look to the skies; South Africa has its own National Space Agency, and in 2009 the African Union announced plans to establish The African Space Agency.

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes, has also called for a continent-wide space programme.

Solomon said while the next several years will be about boosting research and data collection, along with promoting a strong local and regional interest in astronomy, he is not ruling out sending an Ethiopian into space one day.

“Hopefully we will,” he said with a laugh.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ethiopia-unveils-telescope-first-phase-space-programme-142437008.html