#GERD facts: The Commencement of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Project

  • Lifting its population out of poverty is a question of survival for Ethiopia. A nation of one hundred ten million people must use its endowments of its people, its geography and its natural resources mainly water, to achieve its development objectives. The Nile is the major water resource, for Ethiopia constituting about 70% of annual surface water. For Ethiopia accessing and utilizing its water resources is not a matter of choice, but an imperative of continued existence.


  • Ethiopia is constructing the GERD, based on the internationally accepted principle of equitable and reasonable utilization of shared water resources and causing of no significant harm for purposes of alleviation of poverty and attainment of socio-economic development through the generation of sustainable energy and also to promote regional integration through power trade. The GERD offers a unique and timely opportunity for cooperation among African countries.