Every Citizen To Become Beneficiary Of Social Health Security Scheme In 10 Years

Ministry of Health has announced a plan to enable every citizen to benefit from the social health security scheme in the coming 10 years.

The Ministry held discussions with stakeholders on its 10-year master plan.

While presenting the 10-year master, the Health Minister, Dr. Lia Tadesse it demands a great deal of effort to address the growing demand of the community in the health sector.

“The imbalance in the health infrastructure, service inequality, and prevalence of non-communicable diseases continue to be a bottleneck to the sector,” Dr. Lia said adding “the master plan is crucial to address such issues.”

The master plan aims to increase the life expectancy of citizens from 65 to 70 years and reduce infant mortality ratio from 30 to 12 and reduce death rates from non-communicable diseases.

She said the government aspires to realize full coverage of social health insurance in the country in 10 years as of the current budget year.

Dr. Lia also added efforts will be undertaken to increase the existing coverage of the community-based health insurance coverage from 49 to 100 pct in 10 years.

Source : FBC