PM Congratulates Ethiopians On Completion Of GERD First Year Filling

Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed has congratulated Ethiopians on the occasion of the completion of the first year filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

In his message, the Prime Minister said “I would like to congratulate all Ethiopians for taking our dam to this level through our joint efforts.”

“On this day, we Ethiopians knew how to execute and achieve nationally focused projects,” he said, adding “the completion of the first year filling of the dam is a historic day for Ethiopians.”

The Prime Minister added he thinks the world will surely understand that the dam is a turning point to Ethiopia’s move to stand on its own two feet and beat poverty.

“We conducted the filling of the dam without causing harm to anyone,” he said and added, “the dam will benefit the lower riparian countries rather than causing harm to them.”

The Prime Minister reiterated that Ethiopia has no intention of harming Sudan and Egypt during the construction and operation of the dam.

He finally extended his gratitude to those who raised funds, participated in negotiations, and to the former Ethiopian Prime Ministers, for their contribution to the success of the dam.

Source: FBC