Ethiopians in Belgium celebrate commencement of the first stage filling of GERD

Ethiopians in Belgium celebrated the commencement of the first stage filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (#GERD) and progress in the construction of the dam on the Nile River.

Representatives of GERD Support Group, Ethiopian diaspora communities, diplomats and staff of the Embassy in Belgium contributed their part to celebrate the festivity colourfully.

On the occasion, Ethiopian Ambassador H.E Hirut Zemene noted the far reaching positive impact that the commencement of the the first stage filling will have to overcoming serious challenges of livelihoods of our people such as access to clean water and electricity. She also noted the exemplary role the DAM will have in uniting and working together for our prosperity.

On his part, Mr. Abera Yemane-ab, coordinator of GERD Support Group in Belgium stated Ethiopians should stand together to fight against the wrong disseminating information about GERD by informing the international community our perspectives.

During the occasion, Ato Gaas Ahmed, member of the community made a brief remark about the resolve of the Ethiopian community in Belgium to continue supporting the progress of the Dam.

In concluding the event, Ambassador Hirut thanked representatives of Ethiopian communities in Belgium for their support and contributions towards the GERD and for tackling the challenges of COVID 19 and called for their continued support to the twin causes.

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