Ethiopia Realizes Unwavering Success Involving Mastery Of The Youth: PM Abiy

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed affirmed that Ethiopia will realize unwavering success involving immense potentials of the youth he described as “Architects of the Future”.

The premier underlined that Ethiopia’s Prosperity journey gives emphasis on the creation of skilled and competent leaders besides bringing about concrete changes.

Prospective leaders who stick to accomplish their mission and leave their legacy to the generation are as masterminds of Ethiopia’s better future, the premier stressed.

Citizens who follow a holistic approach rather than focusing on individual affairs and generate solutions to national problems are assets of the country, the premier noted.

The youths who always score triumphant results in their careers downplaying all the ups and downs are architects of the destiny of Ethiopia, the Prime Minister underscored.

The premier expressed the conviction that Ethiopia will certainly realize its unwavering success getting in gear immense potentials of the youth.

Source: FBC