President Calls For Forgiving Culture To Strengthen Unity, Build Better Nation

President Sahle-Work Zewde has called on society to develop a forgiving culture to strengthen unity and build a better nation.

She made the remark during a day of forgiveness celebrated in Addis Ababa with different programs.
The Addis Ababa city administration dedicated Pagumen, the 13th month of the Ethiopian calendar, to different activities to strengthen the unity of the people.

Today (September 6th) is the first day of Pagumen and is dedicated to giving focus on the value of forgiveness.

During the celebration held at Sheraton Addis hotel, the President said, “Let’s build a better country for the next generation through developing our social values.”

“Today’s event is timely and important,” the President said adding “Let’s cement our unity by developing our values and forgiving each other.”

The event attracted the deputy mayor of Addis Ababa city, Adanech Abiebie, religious leaders, government officials, and other invited guests.

The religious leaders also called on the society to lay a firm foundation for the unity of the nation by choosing love over hate and unison over division.

Adanech for her part said, “Let’s welcome the New Year with a new sprit through forgiving others and receiving forgiveness.”

Source: FBC