Ethiopia Envisions Bringing Electric Power To All Citizens By 2030

Ministry of Water, Irrigation, and Energy announced a plan that aims to address all citizens of the country with access to electric power in 2030.

Ministry reiterated a commitment to ensure unswerving electric supply and food security backed by an improved irrigation development scheme in the next ten years.

Addressing leadership and employees convened to discuss the ten-year master plan of the Ministry, the Minister, Dr. Sileshi Bekele said that efforts are being maximized to realize dependable electric supply that will contribute to social and economic transformation in the country.

He stressed a need to address energy wastage seen during the distribution and transmission of electricity from power stations.

The master plan looks envisage substituting imports by local produces by transforming the irrigation development endeavors, Dr. Sileshi underlined, adding that the sector prioritizes the creation of more jobs to the youths across the nation.

Source: FBC