Hon. Dr. Negeri Lencho briefs the ongoing law enforcement operation in Ethiopia to the Committee on Political Affairs of the OACPS Parliamentary Assembly

The 57th session of the Organization for African, Caribbean, and Pacific States Parliamentary Assembly is being held virtually beginning from November 23, 2020. The Political Committee of the OACPS Parliamentary Assembly, to which Ethiopia is a member, was held on November 23, 2020.
In the meeting, Ethiopia was represented by the Honorable Dr. Negari Lencho, Chairperson of Foreign Relations and Peace Affairs Committee of the House of Peoples’ Representatives. During the Meeting Hon. Dr. Negeri Lencho briefed members of the committee regarding the ongoing law enforcement operation being undertaken by the Federal Government of Ethiopia.
In his statement, Hon. Dr. Negeri said that the TPLF group have been creating obstacles to the peace and security of the country on various occasions, through funding as well as directly carrying out attacks.
Furthermore, he noted that the group held an unconstitutional election and declared the Federal Government illegitimate. Even if the Federal Government has been patiently working to avoid the use of force, it was finally dragged into it when the criminal group attacked the Ethiopian Defense Force, he stated.
Asserting the purpose of the operation which is bringing to justice the criminal as well as enforcing rule of law, the Honorable representative called for the Members of the committee to understand the context of the ongoing operation and lend their support to the Government of Ethiopia.
The ongoing 57th session of the OACPS Parliamentary Assembly is expected to wrap up by the end of this week.
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