Update on the continued efforts to restore health services and strengthen emergency responses in the Tigray region

In collaboration with governmental and non-governmental partners, the Ministry of Health and the temporary regional health bureau administration have continued providing the necessary support for emergency response and restoration of health services in different parts of Tigray.

Together with estimated 71 million birr worth of medications and medical supplies that was sent to the region few weeks ago, the Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Supply Agency Hubs of Mekelle and Shire have more than 500 million birr worth of medicine and supplies in storage and are being distributed to hospitals and health centers. So far, distribution has been done to more than 70 health facilities in various woredas of Tigray. An estimated 1.5 million worth of vaccines have also been distributed.

The Ministry of health has sent 12 ambulances, 11 pickup trucks, one refrigerated vehicle, and 100 computers to the region. 37 million birr has been transferred to the regional health bureau so far for rehabilitation and strengthening of health services, and additional budget will be transferred this week. A multidisciplinary team from Ministry of Health, EPHI and agencies has been sent to the region and working with the regional health bureau team and Mekelle ECC.
To reinitiate COVID-19 testing, care and treatment, a team sent from the National EOC did an assessment and is doing the necessary preparations with the regional team to reinitiate the service in the coming few days.

To strengthen blood and blood product services, 952 units of blood were distributed to different locations from the regional blood banks, and 2,803 units of blood were collected from voluntary blood donors in Mekele. Numerous supplemental foods and female sanitary products were collected and distributed from partner organizations.

Currently, the Health facilities in Tigray region are partially functional with 46 percent of the hospitals giving service. The Ministry of Health is working in close collaboration with the RHB and other stakeholders for the full functionality of all the health facilities.

Together with the food aid provided by the National Disaster and Risk Commission, mobile medical teams are also screening and giving medical and nutritional support to internally displaced people in the region especially to vulnerable women and children.

In addition to the two rounds of visits by the Ministerial National Emergency Coordinating Committee to Mekele, a delegation from the Ministry of Health’s Emergency and Recovery task force led by State Minister W/ro Alemtsehay Paulos visited the recovery efforts in different facilities in Mekele and held a fruitful discussion with responsible officials.