Ethiopia Committed To Undertake Necessary Investigation Into Allegations Of Human Rights Violations: Deputy PM

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Demeke Mekonnen said Ethiopia is fully committed to undertake the necessary investigation into allegations of human rights violations.

“Allegations of human rights violations including sexual violence is no doubt a matter of big concern for my government,” he said in a speech delivered at the 46th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council this morning.

“We are fully committed to undertaking the necessary investigation and ensuring full accountability of all perpetrators,” he added.

Demeke told the Council that Ethiopia now has an independent, credible, and effective national human rights institution – the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC).

The Commission has already been investigating and reporting on human rights issues, including the Mai Kadra massacre, civilian casualties, sexual violence, and allegations of discriminatory treatment, he said.

“My government takes all of its findings very seriously and we are committed to working closely with the Commission to implement its recommendations to improve the human rights situation,” he added.

In his speech, Demeke also briefed the Council on the latest development in Tigray regional state, including on-going rehabilitation efforts and delivery of humanitarian supplies to people in need of help.

Ethiopia is mobilizing all the necessary efforts to provide urgent humanitarian response to people in dire need of assistance, working closely with local and international partners, he said.

Emergency humanitarian assistance is being delivered in 36 woredas of Tigray regional state at 92 food distribution centers, reaching out to 2 million beneficiaries so far, he said.

Demeke said the hostile propaganda by the TPLF supporters in the diaspora and sensationalized reporting by some media, which appears to have filled the airwaves of social media, is by no means a reflection of the reality on the ground.

He further said the government of Ethiopia is committed to facilitating unhindered access to humanitarian assistance, approve request for international staff movements into and within Tigray as well as facilitating access to both local and international media.