Ethiopia and the World Bank signed 137.5 Million USD Grant Agreements


March 10, 2021 – Ethiopia and the World Bank signed 14.85 Million USD and 122.5 Million USD, approximately 5.5 Billion Birr, grant agreements from a grant agent for Global Partnership for Education (GPE).

According to the statement during the agreements, the grants are intended to finance the implementation of the Global Partnership for Education for the COVID-19 Education Response Project (CERP). The purpose of the project is to maintain students’ learning during school closures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and after-school re-openings. Moreover, it enables the education system recovery and resilience.

The agreements were signed by H.E. W/t Yasmin Wohabrebbi, State Minister of Finance, and Mr. Ousmane Dione, the World Bank country director to Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Eritrea.
