H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene confers with a team lead by Mr. Patrick Jean Gilabert, Head of UNIDO Office in Brussels

H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene held a virtual discussion with a team led by Mr. Patrick Jean Gilabert, Head of UNIDO Office in Brussels, Representative to the European Union, and OACPS, about how to collaborate to increase the efficiency of promotion activities for the country’s diverse range of investment opportunities.

H.E. Ambassador Hirut stated that UNIDO has been involved in various industrial capacity development projects in the country for many years. The most recent example of UNIDO’s involvement in the country’s evelopment projects are the technical assistance project for upgrading the Ethiopian leather and leather products industry, as well as its support in the development of the Integrated Agro Industry Parks (IAIPs), she added.

Mr. Gilbert, on his part, noted that Ethiopia is one of the eight ACP countries selected for the UNIDO program called “Business Friendly and Inclusive National and Regional Policies to Strengthen Productive Capacity and Value Chains.” He also underscored his office is ready to collaborate with the embassy on investment promotion capacity building program to improve the promotional activities.

During the discussion, Mrs. Aurelia Patrizia CALABRO, UNIDO’s Country Representative and Regional Director, explained that UNIDO is currently working in Ethiopia on three major investment projects: agro-industry, leather and leather product industry, and textile industry.

Both parties agreed to collaborate closely to explore how Ethiopia can benefit from UNIDO’s national and regional business promotion capacity building programs.