The Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels Meets the Community of Ethiopian Students

H.E Ambassador Hirut Zemene and the diplomats engaged with the diaspora and bilateral cooperation have met various representatives of #Ethiopia-n students in universities in Belgium.
The meeting was focused on assessing the situation of the scholarship provided by the universities and to exchange views on the current situation in Ethiopia as it is being regularly done with the Ethiopian community in Belgium and Luxembourg.
Ambassador Hirut and diplomats in the Embassy have briefed the students about the current status with regards to the Unilateral Humanitarian Ceasefire extended by the Government of Ethiopia, efforts made to reach out those in need of humanitarian assistance and the need to mobilize support to fend off the disturbance and terror that the TPLF clique is waging.
Representatives of the student’s community have expressed determination to do their parts to support the efforts in the country including by creating a healthy environment within the Ethiopian community in their respective universities. They have also demanded to get regular update about the current situation in Ethiopia to which the Embassy promised to beef up the information sharing mechanism.
The two sides agreed, as the situation with COVID permits, the relaunching of direct visits and links with the various universities by the Embassy will commence.
Participants came from the University of Ghent, KU Leuven, VUB and Hasselt.