Press Briefing Summary 27 January 2021

The spokesperson of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, H.E. Ambassador Dina Mufti, gave the Ministry’s biweekly press briefing today (January 27, 2021) to the media. In his presentation, the Ambassador focused on political diplomacy, Economic Diplomacy and citizen-centered diplomatic activities over the week.

I. #PoliticalDiplomacy

The office of the President of Ethiopia, H.E. Sahle-Work Zewede, announced yesterday the appointment of new ambassadors. Several factors were taken into consideration in the appointment of the ambassadors, with the goal of achieving the country’s national interest taking precedence.

Among these are:

•​Following the spirit of the country’s reform process in general and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in particular
• Based on the findings of a reform study undertaken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
•​This appointment has focused on promoting career diplomats as a clear departure from the appointment of ambassadors previously
• In contrast to previous ambassadors, the new appointees will work in a number of additional and diversified roles and responsibilities.
•​The appointment also recognized the need of balancing manpower and competency in a place.

The UK Minister for Africa Vicky Ford completed her three-day visit to Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda last week. The meeting was aimed to deepen partnerships on trade, education and health, and discuss solutions to regional challenges including conflict and drought. In Ethiopia, she met with Prime Minister H.E. Abiy Ahmed, the Minister of Finance, H.E. Ahmed Shide, and the State Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Redwan Hussein to discuss routes to a peaceful end to the conflict in northern Ethiopia, and the UK support for post-conflict recovery. In her discussion with Ambassador Redwan, Vicky Ford,

•​Expressed the UK’s concern over conflict in the north and hoped for lasting peace in Ethiopia
•​Welcomed the recent prisoner release and National Dialogue
•​Discussed the United Kingdom and Ethiopia’s standing partnership and the UK support for rehabilitation and rebuilding efforts
•​Said the UK is a long-term supporter of Ethiopia’s economic reforms that are encouraging more private investment and helping to build growth, jobs, and opportunities.
•​Spoke on the need to hold people accountable for sexual violations in conflict areas and noted the commitment of the government to look into the matter starting from cooperation during the joint investigation of UN-EHRC.

State Minister Redwan, on his part,

•​Explained efforts of the Ethiopian government to ensure the flow of humanitarian aid into the Tigray region. He said the government is willing to allow daily U.N. humanitarian flights to Mekelle and extra cash for humanitarian operators in the region.
•​Said the TPLF has continued to shell Abala city in the Afar region unprovoked, further obstructing the humanitarian supply to Tigray.
•​Regarding the drone attacks in the region, he said it would be unfair to accuse Ethiopia as long as the TPLF continue to train militants and attack adjacent regional states.
•​Called on the international community to balance the attention it gives to the humanitarian concerns and human rights violations in the Tigray region with the wrongs of the TPLF.
•​Said the international community should squarely condemn the wrongdoings of the TPLF in the Amhara and Afar regions and take into account the humanitarian needs of affected people there.
•​Finally, he appreciated the U.K. for being interested in Ethiopia’s current situation and continuing as a reliable partner in development and democratization efforts.

State Minister, H.E. Ambassador Redwan Hussein had a discussion on humanitarian support in Ethiopia with the Regional Director of the World Food Program, Mr. Michael John Denford. On the occasion, Ambassador Redwan said that the international community should hold the TPLF accountable for obstructing aid into the Tigray region, disregarding peace efforts, and harassing people in adjacent areas. Mr. Denford said the WFP has plans to provide 700 tons of food aid in Ethiopia, including affected people in the Amhara and Afar regions. The Regional Director also revealed the organization’s plan to support people affected by the current drought in East Africa, including Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia.

The Ministry of Justice briefed ambassadors of EU member states in Ethiopia yesterday on the status of the proposed all-inclusive dialogue and the activities of the inter-ministerial task force on atrocities committed in the conflict in the north. The Minister of Justice, Dr. Gedion Thimotios, and Dr. Tadesse Kassa, head of the Inter-Ministerial Taskforce provided the briefing at the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia. The Inter-Ministerial Taskforce is said to be structured into four sub-committees to address critical issues.

Ethiopia issued a statement protesting decisions for not being allowed to deliver a statement on the 24, January 2022 at the 150 sessions of the Executive Board of the WHO. The statement issued by the Ethiopian Permanent Mission at the UN in Geneva said such mistreatment against a member country is unacceptable and the complaint was filed against the misconduct of Dr. Tedros and does not refer to the work of WHO nor the performance of the staff.

Ethiopia’s Ambassador In Israel, H.E. Reta Alemu had a meeting with Ambassador Ziv Vapini, the Foreign Policy Advisor to the President of Israel.
The two sides discussed the current situation in Ethiopia and relations between the two countries. Ambassador Ziv Vapini expressed Israel’s commitment to support the Ethiopian government’s peace efforts in Ethiopia.

The national committee established to oversee preparations to host the African Union Ministerial and Heads of State and Government Sessions has convened over the week to review progress. More than 20 stakeholders tabled preparations in their respective sectors, including safety and security issues, accommodation and other related services as well as health facilities, especially coronavirus testing and related protocols. Chairperson of the committee, H.E. State Minister Ambassador Birtukan Ayano, appreciated the progress so far and called on the committee members to expedite the completion of the remaining tasks.

Ethiopia’s ambassador in South Sudan, H.E. Ambassador Nebil Mahdi had held talks with South Sudan’s Minister of Presidential Affairs, Dr. Barnaba Marial Benjamin Bil, on current situations in Ethiopia. Ambassador Nebil said the decision of the Ethiopian government to withhold the advance of its troops to Tigray and the release of political figures from prison demonstrates commitments to make peace in Ethiopia. The South Sudanese minister expressed his delight to see a peaceful and stable Ethiopia. He underlined that stability in Ethiopia contributes a lot in pacifying the Horn region, reaffirming that nothing would emanate from South Sudan threatening the stability of Ethiopia.

II. #EconomicDiplomacy

“The Russian – Ethiopia – Djibouti Business Forum” was held in Moscow on January 24th, 2022. The Forum aimed to raise awareness for the small and medium-sized Russian businesses and give them a clear picture of the investment potentials of Ethiopia and Djibouti as well as to create a conducive environment to improve bilateral trade and economic relations. This forum also aimed to serve as a springboard for business missions to Ethiopia and Djibouti which will be organized by Coordination Committee for Economic Cooperation with Africa (AFROCOM) and are scheduled to take place sometime in February.

III. #CitizenCentred Diplomacy

State Minister, H.E. Ambassador Redwan Hussien discussed with board members of Ethiopian Public Diplomacy Institute who came to Ethiopia from Sweden responding to Prime Minister H.E. Abiy Ahmed’s Great Homecoming Challenge. They, in particular, are active in informing the Arabic language audience through renowned media outlets on issues related to the construction and filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

Save Ethiopia, an association founded by Ethiopians living in Australia, has donated more than $ 153,000, or over 7.6 million birr, to the Ethiopian Diaspora Agency to support affected people due to the conflict in the northern part of Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian community in and around the North West Province of Rustenburg, South Africa, has donated 1.3 million birr to ENDF and victims of the conflict in the north.

An Ethiopian Charity Association in the UK set up a fundraising event involving Ethiopians and Eritreans living in Liverpool to rehabilitate people affected by the conflict in Ethiopia. Ethiopian ambassador in the UK, H.E. Teferi Melese, appreciated the community members for initiating the fundraising program. He expressed hope that the Association would expand its support in reconstructing destroyed infrastructure.

Ethiopians in Florida donate over $ 120,000 to support displaced people. The ambassador in the United States, H.E. Fitsum Arega thanked the community for the support and expressed his hope that such initiatives would continue.

Defend Ethiopia Task Force in collaboration with Ethiopian Embassy in the UK raised 11.8 million Birr to support affected people by the conflict in the northern part of Ethiopia. Speaking at the fundraising event, Ethiopia’s Ambassador in the UK, H.E. Teferi Meles, said Ethiopians, through their unity, have defended their sovereignty from the attacks of the Tplf and its cronies.