Our quarterly magazine is out!

This issue features:

  • New government in #Ethiopia: challenges and opportunities
    • Nieuwe regering in Ethiopië: uitdagingen en kansen
    • Nouveau gouvernement en Éthiopie : défis et opportunités
  • #Ethiopia: What Transpired over the Past Year, the Way Ahead
    • Ethiopië: het jaaroverzicht en de weg vooruit
    • Éthiopie : Bilan de l’année écoulée et perspectives d’avenir
  • The Month of January in Ethiopia: #Ghenna and #Timket, Colourful Cultural & Religious Festivities
  • News in brief
    • H.E. PM Abiy Ahmed Launches #GreatEthiopianHomecoming Challenge
    • A Delegation of the European Union Commission for International Partnerships confers with various Ethiopian High-Level officials
    • Inter-Ministerial taskforce unveils action plan for implementation of recommendations In joint report of #EHRC, #OHCHR: Government opposes the untimely action of the #UN Human Rights Council

plus much more!