Ambassador Hirut Meets Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights in European Parliament, Maria Arena

H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene conferred with Honourable Maria Arena, Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) at the European Parliament today on the 13th of June 2022.

Ambassador Hirut briefed Honourable Maria Arena on the current situation in Ethiopia including the humanitarian access to those conflict-affected regions and those affected by the reccurent drought in Ethiopia, the ongoing investigation to ensure accountability, and the legal process to bring perpetrators of human rights violations to justice, and preparation to commence the national dialogue, among others.

Honourable Maria Arena, on her part, expressed the importance of having such opportunities for exchange of views.
The two sides further agreed to keep on exchanging views on domestic and regional issues of mutual interest and concern.