H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene Conferred with Officials of the European Union Commission

H.E Ambassador Hirut Zemene met and exchanged views with Ms. Rita Laranjinha, Director of Africa at the European External Action Service, Ms. Andrea Koulaimah, Director for Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and Pacific at the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), and Mr. Hans Stausboll, Acting Director for Africa at the European Union International Partnership (INTPA).

On this occasion H.E. Ambassador Hirut briefed the Directors on the current situation in Ethiopia and called on the European Union to condemn unequivocally the provocation of the TPLF that led to another cycle of conflict.

She also expressed the government’s unrelenting commitment to the AU led peace process.
The meeting was instrumental in having an open and constructive discussion in understanding the current situation in Ethiopia.