Ethiopia: President Sahle-work Zewde receives “Trailblazer Award” in Brussels

H.E. President Sahle-work Zewde of Ethiopia was given the prestigious ” Trailblazer Award “ at the annual summit of Women Political Leaders (WPL) summit in Brussels on the 8th of June 2023.

The award was extended in recognition of her position as the first woman president in Ethiopia and for being the first in the high leadership positions at the UN/BINUCA, UNON, UNOAU).

During the ceremony, the President said she is dedicating the Award to the courageous and brave women of Ethiopia, those in IDP camps female combatants she visited in hospitals so eager to go back to school, women who now have to take care of their family as a single parent… and all the talented women that bring hope to the country.

Prior to the award, the President delivered a keynote address at the European Parliament during the opening of the WPL Summit under the theme “ Representation matters” where she reflected on the many challenges in Women, Peace and Security, and that representation is not only numeric but should come with power and influence.

The WPL Trailblazer Award recognises both incumbent and former women Presidents and Prime Ministers, who are breaking political glass ceilings and reaching the highest level of leadership around the world.

The 10th WPL Summit2023 was co-hosted by the EU Parliament & the Belgian Federal Parliament under the theme “REPRESENTATION MATTERS”.

Belgium- the host country of this year’s event – has a bicameral Parliament currently led by women speakers.