The Embassy conferrs with officials in the Netherlands

H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene conferred with Mrs. Pascalle Grotenhuis – Director General of International Cooperation, Mrs. Sanne Lowenhardt – Head Division for the Horn of Africa at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Rob van Bokhoven, the Director for Repatriation and Departure at the Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands in a day visit to the Netherlands.

During the meetings, issues of mutual interest, among others, enhancing development cooperation between Ethiopia and the Netherlands, conducting political consultations, and creating enabling environment to foster trade and investment were discussed.

H.E the Ambassador on her part expressed gratitude for the Netherlands’ support in various development projects such as water and food security, and also the commendable investments in agriculture particularly in horticulture.

H.E. the Ambassador also underlined the importance of working closely to enhance the longstanding cordial relations between the two countries.