Nation achieves target for higher education admission

Addis Ababa, 16 August 2014 (WIC) – The Ministry of Education announced that Ethiopia has achieved the target set to raise higher education gross admission to 467,000 during the growth and transformation plan period.

The State Minister Dr Kaba Urgesa told ENA that currently gross admission for higher learning institutions both private and public institutions have reached over 500,000.

He attributed the success for the concerted efforts of the private and public universities.

The government is striving to increase access to education and improve its quality. It has allocated over 24 billion birr to these efforts for this fiscal year, of which 21.9 billion Birr will go to higher learning institutions, he added.

The budget will enable the institutions build their capacities and produce skilled labour.

According to Dr Kaba, the government covers all the cost needed for higher education.

The budget allocated for higher education is increasing from year to year, this according to him, shows commitment of the government towards accessibility of higher education and producing skilled human power.

According to ENA, the budget allocated for this year exceeds from that of last year by 4.5 billion birr.