Ethiopia attracting foreign floricultural investment, technology

Addis Ababa, 12 September 2014 (WIC) – An Ecuadorian investor said he has begun introducing state-of-the-art technology to the Ethiopian floriculture sector which is suitable to the European flower market.

Owner and General Manager of the Ecuador-based cut flower group Bellaflor, Mauricio Castillo, said that besides its proximity to the European market, the lower transportation cost for flowers has made Ethiopia a preferred market.

Castillo said the Bellaflor group, which has gained international recognition, has 32 years experience in producing cut flowers.

Although the company supplies 75 percent of its produces to the US, it has also many customers in Europe and Asia, according to the general manager.

The investor, who came to Ethiopia last year to engage in floricultural sector, was granted 73 hectares of land in Welmera Woreda of Oromia Regional State.

Half of the total land would be used for developing cut flower, Castillo said, adding that the project launched in May will create jobs to 1,000 citizens when it goes fully operational.

The investor further said he would allocate 18 million USD in the coming three to four years to develop 32 types of roses and summer flower.

In terms of providing social services for the localities, Castillo said the company has built 3.2 kilometers long gravel road at a cost of 50,000 USD and would build a health center that particularly cares for the new born to 6 year old children.

Ethiopian Horticulture Development Agency Director-General, Alem Weldegerima, on his part said two Ecuadorian investors have invested in floriculture development in this current year alone.

Besides, investors from Middle East, Far East and South America have entered the Ethiopian market this year to engage in horticulture and floriculture, he added. (ENA)