Water ministers of Ethiopia, Egypt, Sudan visit GERD

Water ministers of Egypt and Sudan confirmed that the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) project is progressing well. Ministers of the three countries of Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan together paid a visit to the GERD project on Sunday.

Visiting the project, Egypt’s Water and Irrigation Minister, Hossam Moghazi, said the dam should not be a source of argument or quarrel; it should rather be a means of collaboration.

He expressed admiration for the Ethiopian Government for being open and letting him visit the project.

Appreciating the engineering quality of the dam, Sudanese Minister of Water Resource and Electricity, Mutaz Musa Abdalla Salim for his part said the region is coming to understand the multiple benefits of the dam and is looking forward to the ongoing Tripartite Discussions between the three countries.

The ministers will be sitting for extra discussions on Monday.