Parties to field many women candidates in upcoming election

Addis Ababa, 13 January 2015 (WIC) – Political parties said they would field many female candidates in the upcoming general election.

National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) said on its part it will provide special financial support for parties that field women candidates.

The parties that say they would field many female candidates are Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD), Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) and New Generation Party (NGP).

CUD Public Relations Head, Sasahuleh Kebede, told ENA that his party would field many female candidates at national and regional levels.

Series of training have been given by the party so that women could become strong competitors in the election, he said.

Coalition for Unity and Democracy Unity party has also put emphasis on recruiting female mobile and permanent observers, according to Sasahuleh.

EPRDF Public and Foreign Relations Head, Desta Tesfaw, said on his part the participation of women at the various councils is low due to the neglect of the the rights of women during the past systems.

He therefore claimed that his party is implementing the various compensatory tactics to narrow the gap.

Desta, who recalled the huge role women played in ousting of the dictatorial regime, added that many will take part as candidates in the upcoming election.

Since the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front believes in the crucial role women have played in the consecutive economic growth registered by the party, policies and laws issued were made to benefit women, besides building their capacity, the head added.

In the upcoming election, 40 percent of EPRDF’s candidates at federal level would be women and 50 percent at regional level, according to Desta.

New Generation Party (NGP) President, Asfaw Getachew, said opportunities would be created for women to take part in the election as they comprise half of the population.

According to the president, 35 percent of the total 280 candidates to be fielded by the party across the country are female.

National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) stated on its part that it will provide special financial support for political parties that field women. (ENA)