President Mulatu: Ethiopia ready to intensify economic ties with Belgium

President Mulatu Teshome, bidding farewell the outgoing Ambassador of Belgium Ambassador Hughes Chantry, said Ethiopia is keen to deepen its longstanding political and diplomatic relations with Belgium.

President Dr. Mulatu, who noted that Ethiopia is also ready to strengthen its cooperative partnership with Belgium in the areas of education, agriculture, investment and trade, stressed the need for Belgian investors to bring their enterprises and invest in Ethiopia with a view to elevate  the ties between the countries to a new level. Noting that both countries are the seats of the AU and EU, the President, said that cementing the relations should be given attention.

Ambassador Hughes Chantry on his part emphasized that his country values the importance of replicating the excellent political ties into the economic front with Ethiopia. He also noted that Belgian investors have already engaged in Ethiopia in various areas including civil engineering, textile, floriculture and agro-possessing. The outgoing Ambassador further noted that over 50 Belgian businesspersons will come to Ethiopia in October to explore the possibility of investing in the country, adding that his country is willing to support Ethiopia’s developmental efforts, including education.