The Oromo Diaspora Festival opens at Oromo Cultural Center

The first ever Oromo Diaspora Festival was officially opened on Sunday with the attendance of high-level government officials and the members of the Oromo Diaspora communities at the Oromo Cultural Center in Addis Ababa. Foreign Minister Dr Tedros Adhanom applauding the role played by the members of the Oromo Diaspora communities reiterated that this is worth-cherishing as the contribution places Ethiopia’s development efforts at its core. Dr Tedros also noted that the Government encourages the Diaspora to be more involved in the course of Ethiopia’s economic growth. Dr Tedros said that it is very symbolic to mark this festival at a time when Ethiopia joins the world’s fastest growing economies. He also stressed that it is high time to join hands to fast-track the efforts in order to enable Ethiopia to join the list of Middle Income Countries by 2025. Dr Tedros briefed the members of Diaspora communities on Ethiopia’s impressive growth and its future trajectory, development path as well as its stellar performance in achieving most of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), adding that massive infrastructure development is making a big push in Ethiopia’s impressive economic growth.
