Dr. Tedros confers with a High-Level EU Delegation

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Tedros Adhanom discussed with a High-level European Union Delegation, one that spearheads the mission on dealing with the challenge of migration. The discussion covered signing strategic cooperation agreement on migration and strengthening further cooperation between Ethiopia and the European Union. Mr. Laurent Mushel, Director DG HOME of EU who led the EU delegation praised Ethiopia’s open door policy and out of camp policy. He said EU would like to further cooperate and build partnership on the issue of migration. The EU is set to sign strategic cooperation agreement with Ethiopia on migration, Mr. Laurent noted. Dr Tedros stated that his country is grateful to the strategic cooperation agreement that will be signed between Ethiopia and the European Union. Dr. Tedros said Ethiopia has put a lot of effort to curb migration on a national level. It has established a national council and is working relentlessly, he added.  The Minister further said Ethiopia’s open door policy has contributed much in building people-to-people ties between countries in the region. He underlined Ethiopia would like to further strengthen the cooperation with the EU in such score.