EU grants 20 Million Euros to Ethiopia

The European Union (EU) granted 20-million Euros to Ethiopia on Thursday. At the grant agreement on Thursday (July 28) EU Ambassador to Ethiopia Chantal Hebberecht said the program will help create jobs and improve the livelihoods of women and youth in Ethiopia. Ms Hebbrechted noted that Ethiopia is an important player in the Horn of Africa and a key partner of the EU in migration management. Hebberecht recalled that the agreement is part of the Stemming Irregular Migration from Northern and Central Ethiopia (SINCE) Project launched in November 2015 in Valletta summit to strengthen cooperation between EU and Africa on migration.

Italy’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Giuseppe Mistretta, on his part noted that Italy reaffirms its commitment to support the Ethiopian government to address the root cause of migration. According to the ambassador, the agreement is necessary to reduce irregular migration in Amhara, Oromia, Tigray, and Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples’ of Ethiopia regional states. (MFA Ethiopia)