Ethiopia, Finland keen to boost bilateral relations


State Minister Ambassador Taye Atske Selassie met the Special Envoy for the Minster of Finland at the Foreign Affairs, Mr Pekka Olavi Haavisto on Monday (August 22, 2016). On the occasion, State Minister Ambassador Taye Atske Selassie emphasized that Ethiopia was dedicated to strengthen and deepen its strategic partnership and cooperation with Finland for the benefit of the welfare of the peoples of both countries.

The State Minister has also briefed the Special Envoy on current situations in Ethiopia, more specifically on the recent protests in some parts of Amhara and Oromia regional states. Ambassador Taye explained that the very basic development in Ethiopia has created a number of people to be demanding and aspire for a lot more inclusive development, adding: “We will certainly but slowly be there”.

Ambassador Taye has also related updates on regional peace and security issues concerning Somalia and South Sudan. He stressed that Ethiopia would continue to play a major role in promoting and finding ways for dialogue, negotiation and cooperation to restore peace and promoting reconciliation in South Sudan. Ambassador Taye assured the Special Envoy that Ethiopia was ready to join hands with Finland and other friendly nations to develop peace and security in the region.

Special Envoy for the Minster of Finland at the Foreign Affairs Mr Pekka Olavi Haavisto on his part appreciated Ethiopia’s role in the maintenance of regional peace and security. He also applauded the country’s commitment to deepen bilateral ties and strengthen its comprehensive strategic partnership with Finland.

He further said Finland would like to broaden its cooperation with Ethiopia on issues of development and regional peace and security. (MFA)