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H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene confers with Ethiopian Community members residing in Belgium
H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene met with representatives of Ethiopian Diaspora residing in Belgium and exchanged views on recent developments in
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The Embassy partakes on the Economic Diplomacy Day in Namur
H.E Hirut Zemene, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of the F.D.R of Ethiopia took part in an Economic Diplomacy Day in
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The Embassy Hosts a Tourism Promotion Event Focused on the New Destinations in Addis Ababa
On 31 May 2022, the Embassy of F.D.R. Ethiopia in Brussels hosted a virtual tourism promotion event aimed at showing
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Ambassador Hirut Zemene meets Honorable Eamon Gilmore, EU Special Representative for Human Rights
H.E Ambassador Hirut Zemene met with Honorable Eamon Gilmore, EUSR for Human Rights and had an exchange of views about
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Ambassador Hirut Zemene confers with the Managing Director of CFC in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
H.E. Ambassador Hirut made a courtesy visit to H.E. Ambassador Sheikh Mohammed Belal, the Managing Director of Common Fund for
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The Embassy of Ethiopia Engages in Business Diplomacy and Higher Education Opportunities in the Netherlands
H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene conducted several engagement meetings with key #BusinessDiplomacy offices and focal point for #HighLearningInstitutions in the Kingdom
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Ambassador Hirut Zemene Visits the Headquarters of the Schippers Group in Haprt, The Netherlands
A delegation, from the Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels, led by Her Excellency Ambassdor Hirut Zemene visits the headquarters of
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Ambassador Hirut Zemene confers with officials of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
H. E. Ambassador Hirut met with officials of the Netherlands Foreign Ministry from May 23rd to 25th as part of
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H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene holds discussions with Ethiopians residing in the Netherlands
H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene met with representatives of the Ethiopian diaspora community residing in the Netherlands and exchaged views with
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H.E. Amb. Hirut Zemene Presents Her Letter of Credence to His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Her Excellency Ambassador Hirut Zemene Kassa, Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the Benelux
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