Ethiopia’s Earning From Horticultural Exports Rising Year By Year

ADDIS ABABA, Dec 27 /2013: The revenue which Ethiopia is securing from exports in the horticultural sector is increasing year by year, according to the Ethiopian Horticulture Producers and Exporters Association Chairman, Zelalem Mesele.

He told the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) Thursday that the country earned US$265.71 million from horticultural exports, mainly flowers, during the 2011-2012 year, an increase of US$41.71 million compared with the previous year.
Flowers constitute the biggest share in terms of revenue enabling the country to obtain US$212.56 million, while the balance was accounted for by exports of vegetables, fruits and herbs.

The size of land cultivated with flowers, vegetables, fruits and herbs is also increasing, ENA learned. More than 12,550 hectares of land have been developed with flowers, vegetables, fruits and herbs during the past year, exceeding the previous year’s area by 6,038 hectares.
Zelalem attributed the success to the prevailing conducive investment environment, attractive incentive packages and overall government support.
Companies from Ecuador, the Netherlands, India and Kenya are showing interest to invest in the sector.

Ethiopia exports its horticultural products to more than 100 destinations around the world with the Netherlands, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Norway, Belgium, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), France, Japan, Italy and the United State being the top 10 destinations.
