Ethiopian Ambassador Presents credentials to EU Council President

EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy and Ethiopia’s Ambassador Teshome Toga

Brussels,January 06,2013- The newly appointed Ethiopian Ambassador to the European Union H.E.Ato Teshome Toga presented his credentials this afternoon to EU Council President H.E.Mr.Herman Van Rompuy.

The ceremony took place in the Council’s Head Quarters, the official office of the EU Council President in Brussels.

At the event, President Rompuy received the credentials and welcomed the new Ambassador to Brussels. Ambassador Teshome on his part thanked the EU for the continuous support provided for the development of Ethiopia and briefed the President on the stable political and economic progress that is undergoing in the country. He also informed the President on the challenges the region is currently facing in South Sudan and the efforts made by IGAD. President Rompuy appreciates the effort Ethiopia is making in resolving conflicts in the region and beyond, and asked after Ambassador Teshome’s mission in Brussels.

Ambassador Teshome told the President that he will be working hard to strengthening the existing relations with the EU Institutions and also engage the private sector to work and benefit from the country’s fast economic growth.

Immediately before this assignment, Ambassador Teshome was working as his country’s envoy to France.