Addis Ababa Unveils COVID-19 Prevention Project Benefits Over 1.2M People

The city Administration of Addis Ababa has introduced a new COVID 19 prevention project that aims to protect more than 1. 2 million people in the capital from the pandemic.

The project that will run for the next six months under the theme “Our Health Is in Our Hands” has been jointly initiated by Dalberg Group and a team of Charity Organizations and public and private institutions, according to the Press Secretariat of Mayor Office.

Deputy Mayor and Public Service Delivery Cluster Coordinator of Addis Ababa, Engineer Endawok Abitie, and Director of Roha Africa, Wolela Hailesselassie have launched the project today (July 23rd).

The project that centers residential quarters is said accessible to 1.2 Million residents who will receive sanitation and hygienic supplies based on family sizes.

The project also aims to undertake awareness creation activities among the community on ways of combating the pandemic, it is learned.

Source: FBC