H.E Ambassador Hirut meets with GERD Support Group coordinators

The newly appointed Ambassador Hirut Zemene, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the FDRE to Belgium, Luxembourg and EU institutions, met with the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Support Group coordinators in Belgium on Saturday, July 25/2020 at the Embassy premises.

H.E Ambassador Hirut appreciated the role being played by the Group in creating understanding about the issues of the tripartite process on the first filling and annual operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam .

Following Ambassador Hirut’s briefings on current circumstances regarding the GERD talks, the coordinators reiterated their readiness to continue supporting in creating awareness about the next stage of Ethiopia’s position in the negotiation.

The support group aims at contributing it’s part to inform members of the international community about the objective of the Renaissance Dam, the benefits it has both to Ethiopia and the region and Ethiopia’s efforts to reach in to a win – win solution on the trilateral negotiation processes between Ethiopia, Egypt and the Sudan.