H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene holds discussions with Ethiopians residing in the Netherlands

H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene met with representatives of the Ethiopian diaspora community residing in the Netherlands and exchaged views with them on the current developments in Ethiopia.

The Ambassador appreciated the diaspora for their active particippation on various calls made to support the cause of their country and particularly to extend financial, material and moral support to compatriots affected by the conflict in the northern part of the country.

Members of the Diaspora, on their part, expresseed gratitude to the Mission for organizing the forum and called on for a strentherned information sharing on the current situation in Ethiopia.

Issues raised by the community on matters of peace and securtiy, economic and social cohision of the nation were addressed by H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene, Deputy Head of the Mission, Amb. Shamebo Fitamo and Head of Diaspora Affairs, Mr. Berihun Degu.

On the occasion, the community expressed commitment to continue fostering unity while rededicating to uphold the cause of Ethiopia in light of the internal and external challenges paused on the country.