H.E Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s remarks to the House of People’s Representatives

On the economy:
* Ethiopia’s economy is continually growing, and as our ties within the global community increase, disruptions in the global economy also affect us.
Issues to address:
1. Accumulated debt
2. Increased cost of living
3. Gaps in Infrastructure
4. Difference between supply and demand

* We have seen remarkable results on 6 million hectares farmed through cluster farming as well as on 1 million hectares in summer wheat production. There is overall growth in agricultural productivity, with the need to further enhance these achievements.

* To absorb shocks felt by lower income households due to global cost of living increases, we have provided over 50 billion birr worth of fuel subsidies and 21billion birr worth of fertiliser subsides over the past eight months.
On infrastructure:
* We are making great strides in expansion of road infrastructure nationwide. More than 22,000km of asphalt concrete roads are being built. They may be at varying levels of completion but a commitment to connectivity is driving the increase in road projects.

On tourism:
* Through our 3rd flagship ‘DineForGenerations’ initiative, tourism sites will be developed in Geralta, Hayk, Jima, Afar, Arbaminch & Somali region. 2 other private investments will see developments in Beninshangul Gumuz and the new South West region in efforts to expand tourism.
On Peace:
* Peace entails everyone standing at the forefront in pursuing peace. While peace is relative, there are many initiatives that are in progress to bring about durable peace.

* We are making efforts to build a democracy. We need to think about sustaining these efforts even with shortcomings as the alternative is a path not useful for Ethiopians.

* The government of Ethiopia is highly committed to bringing to a peaceful resolution the issue of OLA Shene. Our security sector is also on guard to ensure that no further bloodshed occurs while pursuing the path of dialogue.
on corruption:
* Corruption is an impediment to our development but not an easy challenge to tackle quickly. It’s a long haul endeavour that we will continue to address.

On Freedom of Movement:
* We have not undertaken any actions that are not grounded in intelligence. Actions taken are to ensure the peace and security of citizens. We need to make sure that freedom of movement is respected for the benefit of all and not to incite violence.
On Media:
* Media rights come with responsibilities as well. There are some that unnecessarily incite conflict, and hence some media outlets need to reflect on their actions while viewers need to be critical in their viewership.