Ambassador Hirut Zemene Meets Director Andrea Koulaiman of EU Commission on Europian Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene met and exchanged views with Madam Andrea Koulaiman, Director for Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and Pacific at the ECHO Commission( Europian Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations) on collaboration between Ethiopia and the Commission on issues related to humanitarian assistance.

The two sides have discussed about the improved situation of humanitarian access and delivery in the Northern part of Ethiopia. They also exchanged views on the latest drought situation and its impacts on parts of the Somali and Oromia regions.

Ambassador Hirut thanked ECHO on the recent support it extended to Ethiopia amontuimg to €60 million.

The meeting also was an opportuniry to exchage ideas on the overall current developments in Ethiopia and strengthening of collaboration between Ethiopia and EU.