Fruitful Exchanges with Minster of Foreign Affairs of Belgium at Women Ambassadors Network in Belgium

Today, H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene took part in an event organised by Women Ambassadors Network in Belgium to discuss with H.E. Hadja Lahbib, Minster of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs, Foreign Trade and the Federal Cultural Institutions of the Kingdom of Belgium.

The event was hosted by the Network’s current president H.E. Ms. Saja Majali, the ambassador of the Kingdom of Jordan. Minister Lahbib has addressed the group with diverse issues of international interests and Belgium foreign policy focus.

Ambassador Hirut took the opportunity to highlight more than century old Ethio-Belgium diplomatic relationships (dating back to 1906) and the substantial amount of the institutionalised academic collaboration and networking between the two countries. She also addressed, among others, the role of Ethiopian women in leadership and gender equality in development.

The event was a special opportunity to exchange views on how to collaborate on common issues of interest and appreciate the contribution of women in diplomacy.