Ambassador Teshome Toga Presents his Credential to the Republic of Latvia.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the Benelux and Baltic countries and the EU institutions, Ato Teshome Toga presented letter of credence to the President of the Republic of Latvia, H.E Mr. Andris Berins. The ceremony took place on June 26, 2014, at the Residence of the President of at Riga, Capital of the Republic of Latvia.During the occasion, Ambassador Teshome Toga expressed the desire of Ethiopia to strengthen bilateral relationships between the two countries, through Political Consolations and cooperation in various multilateral forum. In the exchange, he presented in details the sustainable economic growth and business opportunities in Ethiopia, by stressing the need to further strengthen the business to business, as well as cultural and tourism ties between the countries.He indicated the need to further strengthen the relations in technology transfer, in education and student exchanges, in research and university to university as well as town to town partnerships for the benefits of the two peoples.

Furthermore he called on Latvia’s investors to explore the business opportunities in Ethiopia and continued support of Latvia to the development endeavours of Ethiopia especially during its EU presidency in the near future. Ambassador Teshome Toga, also briefed the President on the current situations in the Horn of Africa and the role of Ethiopia to bring peace and stability in the region and Africa at large. He thanked the support of Latvia extended to our country in the EU development assistance framework as well as the role of Latvia in participating in peace keeping missions in Africa mainly in the Central Africa Republic and Mali under EU mission (EUFOR-RCA).

The President of the Republic of Latvia, Mr.Andris Berins, on his part expressed his happiness at Ethiopia’s continued economic growth and the stable political situation in the country and appreciated the role it is playing to bring peace and stability in the Horn of Africa. Mr.Andris Berins stated his delight on the existed good bilateral relationships and he underlined it is the right time to further strengthen the business to business relationships between the two countries. He also cited the potentials existed in education, research and students exchanges as well as in university to university and town to town partnerships between the two countries.

During his stay in Riga, Ambassador Teshome held discussions with H.E. Andrejs Pildegovics, State Secretary in the MFA of Latvia and Mr Rets Plesums, Director General for Africa, Asia and Oceania division in the MFA of Latvia. In the discussions both sides agreed to further strengthen the bilateral ties between the two countries in investment, tourism, university to university, city to city as well as parliament to parliament partnerships as well as to continue cooperation’s in multilateral areas especially in EU and UN and other international forum.

Ambassador Teshome Toga is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the Kingdom of Belgium, with accreditation to the Republic of Latvia, and other Baltic states, the Kingdom of Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the EU institutions.