Ethiopia, Egypt to resume Nile dam talks on Aug. 26

Addis Ababa, 31 July 2014 (WIC) – Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan will resume their tripartite talks on an Ethiopian multi-billion dollar hydroelectric dam on the Nile in late August, an Ethiopian official said Tuesday.”The negotiations will resume on August 26-27,” Fekahmed Negash, director-general of boundary and trans-boundary rivers at Ethiopia’s Water, Irrigation and Energy Ministry, told Anadolu Agency.

Cairo and Khartoum had earlier accepted a proposal by Addis Ababa to hold the talks in Sudan in the third week of August.

Set up in 2011, a tripartite technical committee was tasked with studying the impact of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the two downstream states.

The committee’s activities, however, were suspended in January.

Fekahmed said the committee will “pick up where it left off at the time of its disruption, which is the formation of a committee for conducting two proposed studies.”

The two proposed studies, he said, involved a hydrology simulation model and a trans-boundary social, economic and environmental impact assessment. (