Ambassador Teshome Toga presents Credentials to the President of the Republic of Estonia

On Wednesday 22nd of October 2014, H.E. Ambassador Teshome Toga presented his credential to H.E. Mr. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, the President of the Republic of Estonia.

Presenting his credentials, Ambassador Teshome conveyed the greetings and good wishes of Ethiopia’s President Dr Mulatu Teshome, for the well-being of the President of Estonia and for the welfare and prosperity of its people. He also noted that his appointment will strengthen the already existing relations of the two countries. Ambassador Teshome further discussed Ethiopia’s economic growth and its role in promoting peace and security of the region under the auspices of IGAD. The President on his turn appreciates the relations between the two countries and Ethiopia’s role in promoting peace and security in the region. During the discussions, both sides identified ICT, promotion of trade and investment as major areas of the cooperation between the two countries. Ambassador Teshome appreciates the ICT development of Estonia and expressed Ethiopia’s interests to share the system as Ethiopia plans to increase the size of mobile users to 60
million in the next five years.

During his stay in Estonia, Ambassador Teshome also met with officials from the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Economic affairs and Communication, as well as representatives from the Estonian Parliament and discussed the present socio-economic and political status of the Ethiopia, and areas of cooperation between the two countries. He also held talks with the Mayor of Tallinn Edgar Savisaar, with whom he exchanged views on city to city twining especially between Axum and Tallinn as both share archeological historical similarity. Both sides mentioned the need of strengthening people to people relations through tourism and tour operators. During a meeting with the Director of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, it was agreed to initiate cooperation between the Estonian and Ethiopian private sectors. The need to organize a forum where the investment opportunities of Africa could be explained for Estonian entrepreneurs was reiterated. The Meeting he had with Gourmet Coffee board members of Estonia was successful as they are convinced to visit Ethiopia for a week between end of November or beginning of December, opening the door for direct coffee trading between the two countries.

Meeting President

Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves with Ambassador Teshome Toga and an Ethiopian diplomat from our Embassy.


Estonian Anthem

Ethiopian Ambassador Teshome Toga during the playing of the Estonian Anthem.