Hailemariam urges partners to support Ethiopia in industrial dev’t

Addis Ababa, 5 November 2014 (WIC) – Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn has called on development partners to support Ethiopia’s effort to bring about industrial development.

Speaking at the Second Participatory and Sustainable Industrial Development Forum in Vienna yesterday, the Premier said that Ethiopia should be assisted in its effort to introduce broad-based industrial development and in attracting direct foreign investment. Hailemariam, who pointed out that the nation is under transformation from agriculture to industry led economy in its endeavor to become a middle income country, said that it needs close support so that it could sustain the achievements it has been registering in this regard.

He expressed his joy over the announcement that Ethiopia is one of the two African countries selected by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in its industrial development activities.

Ethiopia is working extensively with different countries and development partners like China and other Asian countries as well as Turkey, he told the participants of the forum.
Attracting foreign direct investment is the main focus to maintain the growth of the country, according to the premier.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon on his part said ensuring sustainable growth is among the areas of focus of the UN, and he congratulated Ethiopia and Senegal for being selected as models for Africa.

The UN will support the countries in their efforts to ensure their economic growth and change the livelihoods of their peoples, the Secretary-General added.

According to Li Yong, Director-General of UNIDO, the two African countries were selected because of the ways they chose to expand industry and the good policies they pursue as well as the measures they took to ensure sustainable and participatory development.

Yong urged the countries to further integrate their efforts with their partners to meet the Millennium Development Goals and become middle income countries.

The Director-General further asked the countries to give attention to micro and small enterprises in order to sustain the economic growth they have been registering.

In related news, Prime Minister Hailemariam held talks today with EU International Cooperation and Development Commissioner Neven Mimika.

According to ENA, the officials discussed about the development cooperation between Ethiopia and the Union, and peace and security in the Horn of Africa.