Dr Tedros holds talks with FOSS Foundation representatives in Denmark

Addis Ababa, 19 November 2014 (WIC) – Dr. Tedros, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, talks with the FOSS Foundation’s Senior Vice President for Global Sales and Marketing in Copenhagen on Tuesday.Dr Tedros said that having co-operation and close relations with high-tech companies like the FOSS Foundation which focuses on high technology and research to find solutions to agricultural problems was essential for Ethiopia’s efforts to transform the country’s agriculture to necessary mechanized and high-tech levels.

The Minister noted that the Ethiopian government had made the transformation and improvement of the agriculture sector and production mechanisms a priority. He pointed out that the country had huge and untapped areas of arable land, sufficient water, comfortable weather and a wide variety of agricultural ecological zones.
These ranged from lowest place on earth, the Dalol depression hundred meters below sea level, to the Roof of Africa, Ras Dashen, more than four thousand meters above sea level.

FOSS Foundation Senior Vice President, Mr Henrik Wiboltt said that the Foundation had great interest in working on agriculture technology, research, and the search for dedicated solutions for agricultural production in Ethiopia.ccording to MoFA, the Minister assured the FOSS Foundation representatives that the Ethiopian government was committed to provide all possible and necessary support for a FOSS branch in Ethiopia.